[Update] 2 months, overcomed ich, new tenants, new fry.
Here’s an update to my previous post.
I had an ich infestation, so I quarantined the sick fish, applied medication, and kept the main tank at around 30°C for about a week. Unfortunately, the cardinal tetras didn’t make it, and most of the adult guppies lost their tails and sadly passed away one by one. However, a pregnant female gave birth twice after all this, and now we have lots of fry.
Black beard algae (BBA) was getting out of hand, so I added two Amano shrimp and a couple of PRLs to the tank. The seller also gifted me some leftover Monte Carlo from his pruning session, which I planted one by one. The cories occasionally uproot them, but I patiently replant them each time. So far, they seem to be doing okay. The plant vendor told me that Monte Carlo isn’t compatible with my setup without CO₂ supplementation, but I wanted to believe otherwise.
BBA isn’t completely gone yet, so I decided to add two Otocinclus. I also pruned some leaves covered in BBA to help control it. Additionally, I introduced six more pygmy cories to create a proper school—now they’re so happy together! I also added six Harlequin Rasboras because… why not?
The bladder snail population has been growing rapidly, so I occasionally crush some and let the rasboras have a snack—they love it. To help control the snail population, I also added two assassin snails.
Here are some photos. I added an air stone during the infestation, and I really want to remove it. However, I wonder if it’s benefiting both the livestock and plants by improving gas exchange. I’d love to hear your thoughts and tips.
Thank you, and happy hobbying!