What do you Like/Dislike about Tim?
I am quite new to this channel and I enjoy it both the nice expensive stuff and the cheaper hotels alike. I don’t particularly find Tim to be THAT likable for some reason (I honestly don’t think I can really explain why), but it’s an amiable chilled out kind of channel so I enjoy it- coming on here for the first time the other day I’m very surprised a lot of people seem to have extremely strong personal opinions about this guy lol from my perspective I don’t really understand this because I don’t really see that he does anything wrong necessarily (nor does he do anything particularly interesting either) but this sub Reddit seems to have a particularly strong streak of negativity about it from what I have seen.
So out of sheer curiosity, and was just wondering what it was exactly, what you guys don’t like about Tim and in fairness what you do actually enjoy about his channel and his videos.
(not making this about the personal, borderline para social nonsense - this is purely about his videos and him as a presenter of those videos. None of this gossiping nonsense the Like of which seems to pop up here quite often).