I feel guilty about having sex with vulvodynia
Two months ago, I have been diagnosed with vulvodynia after 2 years of frustration, pain and uncertainties. I'm happy with the diagnose and the treatment options that I have. I now have a gyno that is specialised in vulvo-vaginal problems as well.
However, I feel guilty towards my gyno...
Last night I had a moment with my bf. We were getting into to it, I really wanted to and we had sex. It honestly felt AMAZING. (I stopped taking the pill in september and since then the symptoms have been so much less.) My gyno said I wasn't allowed to have any PIV during the whole treatment - that only started at the end of november 2024 - because I had to avoid pain and friction in that area... So now I feel like I went against the 'rules' of my gyno. Even though I feel fine, before and after. No pain or burning at all. I have my next consultation soon and I don't know how to tell her what I did...