Why do you, new and old players alike, play VTM?

Exactly as it says on the title, though perhaps some more clarification is needed. In particular, what brought you to this game or WoD in general? What are reasons that you keep playing VTM, despite it's flaws?

And for newer players (and perhaps older ones as well), how do you "reconcile" with the 90s core of VTM, and the general themes of the gothic punk from that era, which is by and large no longer part of the modern zeitgeist? An era that had a large amount of anticipation for the coming millennium, where some of the anxiety of it materialized in thoughts of an incoming apocalypse. But we no longer live in that time, so how do the themes of VTM, defined by the 90s, work in our still troubled times?

Lastly, for the older players, what do you think about the attempt to, for a lack of a better term, "modernize" VTM with it's 5th edition? Did it fail, succeed, or do a bit of both?

Note that I am also quite a new player, I've only played a few sessions so far with my storyteller, who previously was only used to DnD. Still, I am glad that I have had the chance to experiment, experience and examine this excellent game.

This post was inspired by a post from u/Ninsuna on r/rpg

Edit: Minor spelling errors corrected