Another 4090 User: "Cyberpunk in VR is Life Changing" - CONFIG GUIDE 2025

Updated March 1st, 2025

*Please pardon the continuous revisions while attempting to keep the mod as stable as possible for all users*

Cyberpunk 2077 in VR: Virtual Desktop + R.E.A.L. VR v17

Cyberpunk in VR is undeniably the current pinnacle of immersion in VR gaming. This is a quick guide to set up the Real VR mod by Luke Ross with Virtual Desktop. It will take some exploration of the settings to get the best picture and performance on your personal system, but I highly recommend it for this incredible open world VR experience.


  • 9800x3d
  • RTX 4090
  • 32gb DDR5 6000mhz
  • Meta Quest Pro
  • Windows 11 - hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling ON
  • nvidia driver v572.47

Virtual Desktop Setup and Settings

  • Streaming at 90 hz
  • 5 or 6 ghz WiFi. Do not use 2.4ghz or you will experience stuttering and degraded quality
  • Wired ethernet connection from your PC to your router
  • Codec: H.264+ set to your max bitrate
  • Automatic Bitrate adjustment: On. Disabling may cause stutters or low FPS when you have network interference. A 6e router on 6ghz will make a big difference here if your headset supports it.
  • Virtual Desktop Discord server
  • Oculus runtime (for quest users). Steam is not necessary to have running
  • Virtual Desktop Graphics: Godlike

In-Game Settings are pre-configured by Real VR at launch, but below I will elaborate on what is happening with them if you want to configure them further.

Configuring your Game Resolution:

  • Resolution has the largest overall impact on your framerate and is the core lever of your visual fidelity.
  • Real VR adapts the game's resolution to better fit your headset, increasing performance by not rendering unnecessary data.
  • Real VR will automatically set the game to Windowed Borderless mode (1500x1500) and adjust the resolution in your headset based on a configurable PPD target
  • While you're still able to select pre-set resolutions in the game menu, I would recommend using the PPD slider in the Real VR overlay and the Adapt Resolution button to change your resolution, which will prevent the game from rendering larger than your monitor, cutting off access to the CET overlay
  • For reference on Quest Pro, I play at 28 PPD which equates to 3400x3568 game resolution
  • If you adjust video settings in game, it might apply the game's screen resolution of 1500x1500 to your headset, which will make everything look terrible. Fix this by adapting the resolution in the overlay.

Ray tracing: Try if you want and adjust resolution/settings accordingly. I sometimes use 1/3 render mode with shadows and reflections on, or 1/2 mode with all RT off. Shadows typically look good while lighting and reflections can cause noisy surfaces.

In-Game Graphics: Below are the exact in-game graphics settings I've found to be the best compromise of looks and performance on the 9800x3d/4090/qpro using 1/2 render mode (90 fps cap) but adjust settings according to your system and preferences. You can definitely turn these up if you're targeting 60 fps (1/3 render mode) or down if you have a weaker PC. Real VR will impose max graphic limits by default, but misc settings unlocker will circumvent this.

Rendering Modes

Alternate Eye Rendering (AER) provides a very smooth 3DVR experience. Unfortunately, you will still notice some very minimal ghosting on horizontal motion. I'd start with 1/3 and maybe go to 1/2 if your system can handle stable 90 fps.

  • 1/3 AER - Default setting, 60fps @ 90 hz
  • 1/2 AER - 90 fps @ 90 hz
  • Mono - Eliminates ghosting but fails to provide a proper 3D experience. Not recommended unless you really hate the ghosting

Bindings and Mods to Improve VR

  • As you probably know, good bindings are essential to an immersive VR experience. I highly recommend configuring a mouse button of your choice as the global hotkey for Limited HUD so you can easily turn it on and off. You can assign any or all of the in-game HUD elements to this global hotkey.
  • I also strongly recommend configuring a good hotkey for Free HUD for 5 sec in the real VR overlay, which helps a ton when you want to read a shard or look more closely at your other HUD elements.
  • Simple Flashlight CET hotkey for dark environments, fully configurable

Performance and Crash Fixing Tips

  • The game is not crashing at all on my current system, but having experience using a 5600x to play this, the VR mod is a lot less stable than flatscreen given the higher resolution and data processing going on in the background. If you're experiencing crashing, you can test if it's the mod by disabling it:
    • Rename dxgi.dll in your cyberpunk folder to _dxgi.dll and launch the game

If you are still crashing, you can try:

  • Disable Autosave and cross-platform saving if you have frequent crashes
  • Disable Use 3D for map in VR mod overlay
  • Raise priority of Cyberpunk2077.exe in Task Manager
  • Adjust XMP profile


  • Join as VR Friend - $10 one time
  • Download the latest .zip file from the post pinned to the home page:
  • Copy the contents of the .zip into your game's bin folder:
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\
  • Run RealConfig.bat
  • If you get a message stating it doesn't appear to be in the right place, make sure its in the same folder as your Cyberpunk2077.exe
  • Launch Cyberpunk while connected to Virtual Desktop

Free Vorpx Cyberpunk VR Standalone Mod
I was able to get a decent picture with Vorpx but never had any luck stabilizing the headset tracking and fine tuning the controls. Some swear by Vorpx and a lot of it comes down to your system, headset, and especially your configuration, but Real VR provides a much easier way to get sucked into Night City for me personally. Give Vorpx a shot if you refuse to play VR without motion controls or use gunface control scheme. If you can find a control scheme you like, the game will be worth it.

Final Thoughts

I'm a fairly avid gamer and have tried many genres and platforms over the years. This is the best videogame experience I've ever had. I know Cyberpunk isn't for everyone and neither is this mod, but if you're a fan of the title, nothing compares. Once you've been inside Night City, you just can't leave. Thanks for reading, good luck, and enjoy!