How did the 23 degree full moon eclipse affect you?
I have a 23 Virgo Sun. Given that transiting Saturn was conjunct the Sun of the Eclipse, this meant that Saturn was doing its last pass opposing my natal Sun. ALSO, just for funsies, I have a natal Sun/Saturn square and p. Mercury (ruler of Virgo) had reached natal Saturn. Mercury is the final dispositor of my chart, so... important.
Needless to say, I cowered for days. Took no chances. Minded my bidness. Had groceries delivered, even, instead of chancing the neighborhood (Mercury).
Nothing. Nada. Nunca. No great emotional upheaval, no revealing revelations. The clock just ticked on by.
I have to wonder if, as you age, these events do not affect one as strongly. I'm 66, maybe have done enough saturn work, and since I knew a year ago that this transit was going to be about surrendering to that which I had no power (big issue on inheritance when my mother passed away), I let go of outcome long ago.
Anything eclipse out of your life?