The weakest zodiac sign, who is not a good match for virgo.

  1. Pisces, is the weakest zodiac sign, it's always overly emotional,insecure,paranoid,delusional i've never met a pisces who ain't a weak coward, also very gossipy and envious and secretly competitive for some animalistic reason. Pisces has no backbone, no armor, all the pisceans that i've met, are very needy and co-dependent, they are always looking for their friends's help and support, so needy and delusional. It's our opposite, pisces is never going to be a good match for us. I dont know any virgo who can seriously tolerate or/and feel attracted by somebody who's too emotional, hella insecure, and who's believing in any ideas they get from neptune, no matter how idiotic and useless this idea is. Pisces is ruled by neptune, the planet of delusions,illusions,escapism,drugs, etc. Pisces also rules the 12th house, the house of jails,isolation,mental institutions,subconcious, etc. Do i even have to tell u more about pisces to understand why we aren't compatible? It's also a very disloyal sign with a victim complex. The truth by told, they are truly the victims of their ignorance and stupidity. It's also the sign of self-sacrifice and love without conditions, so no loyality really needed. So disgusting. And the pisces men are so feminine, not natural protective and assertive fighters like scorpio,virgo and capricorn men. I made this post for the virgos who wonder if pisces is good for us. It's not. I know that they can be so sweet and gentle and romantic in the beginning, until 1 problem arrives, then you'll see why we are opposites. I also cant stand how much they cry. Also the signs who are ruled by pisces placements are so emotional,delulu and cry a lot. And if i dont feel sorry for them and if i wont solve their problem, they'll judge me behind me back, because i was supposed to make their problem my problem, when i think thst they are supposed to be strong and independent and to abandon their useless excuses and become a high value, self-sufficient person and to be needy less. Lol.