Your 45s?

I'm currently spinning some of my recently acquired 45s (and already annoyed, because it means I'm having to get up to flip the record or put on another disc every 3 minutes), and I'm wondering: Is anyone here really into collecting 7" singles? Most of the posts I see on here are focused on albums. As far as I'm concerned: I have an old shoe box filled with 7" records, but they get very little love. I rarely ever listen to them, I don't take very good care of them, I'm not very meticulous about including them in my various lists of records I own... Most of them are songs that I like by artists that never released an album that I'm particularly interested in. Some of them are novelty songs which I just like knowing are part of my collection. And they're mostly cheap enough to make the purchase an easy enough decision.

So: What's your guys'n'gals' relationship towards 45s/7-inch-singles? Anyone here even who maybe primarily collects 45s? I imagine they're probably most interesting to folks who reguarly DJ...?