Am I playing Encounter the wrong way?
I'm a pretty new player, and I tend to play fairly aggressive in games in general. In Shootout and Elimination, I have a great time but playing Encounter seems to bring me more frustration than it's worth. But, I try anyway.
Most of every interaction with another Outlander is just me walking up on them while they're prone in some seemingly unimportant part of the map. Sometimes they get me, sometimes I get them. Mostly they get me. In spectating, I mostly see other Outlanders also prone in various areas, waiting for someone to walk by
My question is this: is it just better to sit somewhere and wait for something to happen? I understand ports are a thing but they seem like an early warning system for the individual who is being tracked.
Edit: to clarify aggressive, I don't mean I sprint everywhere, I just tend to push most things. Footsteps seem extremely loud and telling in this game