Immigration in GFM is broken
Im playing as Australia and im literally not getting any immigrants, most i can get per month is something like 5-20 pops and thats it. Also i have most of the reforms that give immigration attraction, i have zero unemployment and im not in wars. I as Australia literally have perfect conditions for immigrants but im still not getting anything.
I have started to feel like its programmed this way in GFM. I still remember few years ago when i was playing as Canada in HFM i could get HUGE immigration and by year 1900 i would have 30-35 million total population and it was really fun. But now when im playing GFM as Australia im not getting anything and i cannot even industrialize well enough because lack of pops. I know this is supposed to be somewhat "historical" but from gameplay perspective its just not fun.
Currently its year 1885 and only nations that are getting immigrants is: US about 3000 per month / Mexico about 2000 per month and Uruguay about 1000 per month. Even brazil / columbia / argentina etc are not getting any immigrants at this point. Brazil got alot of immigrant when game started but in about year 1860 onwards they stopped getting any. Also after few in game years i noticed that even columbia and argentina are not getting any immigrants from 1840-45 onwards.
I really like GFM mod but after seeing these immigration numbers i really feel like its pointless playing any other new world nation that is not US or Mexico because lack of immigration. Like why would i even consider playing as a nation like Canada if i cant get any immigration and because my base population is so low that means that i really cannot even do anything.