What is on everybody's "Automotive Resiliency List"?

I'm trying to boost my vehicular preparedness. Here is my list. Everything fits nicely in a small car.


  1. Spare tire
  2. Jack
  3. Jumper cables
  4. Crankup flashlight
  5. Heavy jacket, fleece, flannel shirt, windbreaker
  6. Windshield washer fluid
  7. Plastic bags for miscellaneous or trash
  8. Tire pressure gauge


  1. Shovel
  2. Ice chopper
  3. Ice melt
  4. Snow brush
  5. Ice scraper
  6. Army shovel
  7. Microspikes and ice pick necklace

Glove Compartment / Center Console

  1. Registration
  2. $20
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. Quarters, dimes, nickels
  5. Gum in case a gorgeous woman is hitchhiking!
  6. Edit: Silverware in a Tupperware container

Bins in the Trunk

  1. Basic hand tools
  2. Office supplies
  3. Set of clothes
  4. Multiple hats, gloves, yellow vest
  5. Multiple work gloves
  6. Basic office supplies
  7. 5W-20 oil and rag
  8. Lighters
  9. Rope and bungees
  10. Waterproof sneakers
  11. First aid kit
  12. Rags