Too fixated at my sexuality and my ethnicity

Im korean and i hate how sex negative korea can be. I hate the west sexualizes asian women and pushes asian guys away from being sexual. Its like the whole world is owned by white guy's sexuality and they control who we are regarding sex. But i also hate korea doesnt talk enough about sex. I also hate myself for being so dumb regarding sexual topic. It feels like because im korean im dumb and stupid regardinf sexual health. I grew up in canada since i was 11 for educational reason, and when i was watching porn as a teen all i saw was white dudes and white girls. Bipoc people were subjugated. Asian girls were objectified and asian guys were non existent. And in korea theres different way to engage w porn and its not the way im familiar with. Regardless korea is not the most sex positive country and this makes me feel so ashamed of myself. Cause western folks especially white guys think asian girl are accessible for them cause they are " submissive", asian guys arent even considered to be "sexy" until now, and korea is a fucking mess regarding sex. Im a meas