I Hate Being White

I wanna start this off by saying I know how ignorant I’m about to sound and I’m aware of the systemic advantages I have because of my skin and that people of different races experience things I could never understand. I (16M) hate being white. I hate having no culture besides shitty food. I love so many cultures and I love experiencing them. But I want to HAVE culture like that not just experience it. I want to participate in that culture without someone saying I’m appropriating culture. And even if I did surround myself with that culture for years I’ll always just be that white guy. Everyone will always assume I know nothing about it because I’m white. I didn’t grow up in good areas but now I live in a good neighborhood. But I find myself latching on to that past of bad neighborhoods so I can relate to people and feel like we share culture even though I know we never will. Maybe this is something about wanting to be included but I just want to have culture that I can love and not be afraid of sharing.