The position of my beds is concerning to me now I'm thinking about it. I need advice. The plan was the deeper beds, the two green and the two silver in the back left were to be tomatoes. I'm growing indeterminate plants there . If I put indeterminate in both beds with where they are do yall think the silver beds in the back left would get enough sun. I'm thinking they'd be blocked because of the green beds. What do yall think? advice please.
The position of my beds is concerning to me now I'm thinking about it. I need advice. The plan was the deeper beds, the two green and the two silver in the back left were to be tomatoes. I'm growing indeterminate plants there . If I put indeterminate in both beds with where they are do yall think the silver beds in the back left would get enough sun. I'm thinking they'd be blocked because of the green beds. What do yall think? advice please.