Do transplants ACTUALLY like living here?
I'm a fairly friendly and outgoing person. Chances are I've spoken to several of you in a line or restaurant somewhere in the city at one point.
Just having lunch with a client and while waiting for them to show up, I was chatting with the hostess. Besides the cordial, she noted that she had just moved here mid last year. When I asked her if she liked it, she was quick to answer with, "Absolutely hate it here." And "looking to get back home soon." (California if anyone was interested).
And with that answer, I've come to learn over the last few years that a lot of transplants share that sentiment. In several variants of course.
While I'm sure some have their reasons for being here. Work opportunities, family, financial reason...hell, I've gotten several "for the weed" answers before.
I want to ask, do you ACTUALLY like living in Vegas? I feel as if so many pretend to like it, maybe even feel they do because they just moved here, but for those who have been here the last 4-7 years. I'm genuinely curious.