How many of you have fellow vegan parent friends?

Since going vegan and then becoming a parent, my friend circle has completely evaporated and am tired of going out alone for everything because I have the choice of dragging my husband out with me, towing kid around (wihich is more times than not the norm) or go out solo. I would love to have brunch with someone from time to time. Go on a hike, ride a bike trail, go to a park with our kids and just enjoy each other’s company.

I do a lot of things either solo or with my husband and know I briefly get social relief talking to colleagues remotely. Idk if it’s just the neighborhood, if people are simply focusing on their families and that’s what they can handle but I would love to hang out with likeminded people.

I’m a foodie at heart so I love cooking too and don’t mind sharing, but it’s gotten embarrassingly lonely and would love some adult friends.