Vegans should show more compassion to other humans.

I just need to vent for a second. I am brand new to veganism and I’ve never felt so disconnected from a community in my entire life. No matter what I do or say, I am always doing something wrong.

For example

If I say “I’m new to the vegan diet”, I get bombarded with hate mail telling me “this isn’t a diet” and “you’re not actually a vegan”.

I’ve been told I’m a supporter of animal abuse because a supplement I need to take has animal corpse in it, or because I still allow my husband to eat corpses under my roof. Someone in this sub even told me I’m not better than a R*PIST for continuing to take that animal corpse supplement that I NEED to take for health reasons. This is absolutely absurd.

People choose the tiniest little details and make HUGE deals out of them.

I truly feel like this community could do a better job at uplifting each other and encouraging each other. We should be celebrating the wins both small and big.

In the last 4 months I have ditched all corpse consumption and have stopped using all products (within my control) that are tested on animals. This should be a HUGE win for this community. I am learning as I go and I am not perfect, but I truly believe that many of y’all (not all) are deterring people from veganism with the way you approach people.

It turns people off and makes them instantly not want to give consideration to your words. Your credibility to non-vegans goes down to zero when you immediately jump at them and call them names and judge their lifestyle. It’s just simply not the way…It’s no better than the “Christians” who stand on street corners with microphones yelling at people telling them they are going to hell.

As someone totally new to this word, I challenge you guys to lead with love and compassion toward both humans AND animals.

We’re all doing this crazy thing called life today and nobody is perfect.

We’re all constantly learning and striving to do and be better.