I STAN James and Ally

Forgive me for these horrible screen grabs, I’m living and I love with this 1920s look from James and Ally. For me they both WIN in the best dressed department for me. Don’t get me wrong Ariana and Katie looked so sexy and I loved that they went for the gangster esq aesthetic. I took into consideration that since Sandoval was there and Dan wasn’t it probably wasn’t something either of them were eager to dress up for. I loved Lauren’s head wrap I didn’t get a good look at her outfit but loved the head wrap idea.

I would for real watch a whole episode of just James and Ally taking selfies and running around the boat, in the bubble bath and going to 1920s night “Ally do you wanna drive to boat ALLY DO YOU WANNAA DRIVE THE BOAT!!!!” 😂😂 I’m sorry I loveeee. I was just screeching at him in the bathtub. I want more. I want them in the center of every reality tv/influencer messy drama. James would read everyone to filth in the most hilarious ways then be so unserious to them while Ally would mediate everything and teach them about their actions through astrology.

Back to the real reason I made this post. Because I love both of their looks for this event especially Ally she was the only one in white and really was giving 1920s with her hair earrings everything. And I’ve always been obsessed with the flapper roaring 20s aesthetic and movies. Just loved loved loved James doing the paper boy look it was so perfect for him 🥲 and Ally looked so stunning 🥲🥲 I’m obsessed. I’m gagged. I’m way to old to be this into it 🙃

Alexa please play girls girl by Ally Lewber!!!!