Yay! Finally found use for that bamboo yarn

I had quite some quantity of bamboo/cotton yarn in white and gray that I couldn’t find a use for. I once made a tee but the yarn is heavy and slippery, the tee grew 50% in length in no time. Didn’t continue with the intended matching cardigan, keeping the yarn idle for two years. Looking through my stash I came across some skeins of white alpaca/silk and decided to pair the yarns which I think was a great idea because the „hairy“ alpaca/silk added grip to the bamboo yarn and helps keeping things in shape. STILL have some bamboo/cotton left but that‘s currently being worked into a scarf that will go along with the sweater. (I also had to order some more alpaca/silk but I ended with less than I had before, so I count it as an overall destashing success.)

I had quite some quantity of bamboo/cotton yarn in white and gray that I couldn’t find a use for. I once made a tee but the yarn is heavy and slippery, the tee grew 50% in length in no time. Didn’t continue with the intended matching cardigan, keeping the yarn idle for two years. Looking through my stash I came across some skeins of white alpaca/silk and decided to pair the yarns which I think was a great idea because the „hairy“ alpaca/silk added grip to the bamboo yarn and helps keeping things in shape. STILL have some bamboo/cotton left but that‘s currently being worked into a scarf that will go along with the sweater. (I also had to order some more alpaca/silk but I ended with less than I had before, so I count it as an overall destashing success.)