Admitted into School of Nursing, Kind of want to transfer to LSA

Hi I was recently accepted into the school of nursing and I was of course thrilled! I plan on attending Umich because they’re offering me the most money as an in-state resident. However, i’m having second-doubts about my future career and I’m kind of considering going the MD route. This thought may be temporary, as my mind was first set on becoming a dermatologist or anesthesiologist...then switching to wanting to become a nurse anesthetist, but now back to square one. I admire both the nursing and doctor professions a lot, and I plan on shadowing people in both fields to actually decide (was interrupted by the pandemic unfortunately). My question is if I decided I don’t want to go the nursing route, could i switch my major/school before the start of the fall term? If not, if I transferred my sophomore year would that delay my graduation by a semester or year? Would it be smart to just continue pursuing a BSN but completing pre med reqs (I heard this may be difficult). I apologize if this is an odd question and I don’t mean to insult any profession by not figuring out what I actually intend on doing. I appreciate any answers or advice, thank you!