Absurdity of Ross Clubs and fake "DEI" Attempts

I don't understand.

The same people getting into Ross clubs are the ones who need it the least. All the mass meetings talk about is educating their members and how they would have never gotten jobs had it not been for their involvement in the club. So, I apply to plenty.

To my knowledge, you need to have a base knowledge of consulting and financial technicals to get admitted into basically any. They make you go to these absurd events: mass meetings, career panels, and a DEI event that does nothing but speak about how they try to incorporate one or two events a semester. Inclusion is so damned heavily ignored by these clubs, its idiotic.

How are you going to say that you want to be inclusive, when you're rejecting the kids who had almost no resources back home. Why are you turning them down, when they applied to this club for growth and learning opportunities. This negatively affects many teenagers of lower socioeconomic backgrounds, because if they have never seen a balance sheet or they didn't have good instructors in their underfunded schools: then how do you expect them to compare to kids who had everything in front of them. The kids who have parents working at BCG and Goldman Sachs.

They are such performatives, it is infuriating. Many of them "make blankets" to donate during their philanthropic events, but it comes out to be like 5 blankets. They have so much manpower and stop most of their initiatives at the bare minimum. I don't care if organizations impose this predetermined bias on their rushes, but they need to stop preaching about DEI when their clubs are filled with people who look the same and come from very similar social backgrounds. With the occasional golden Hispanic or Black person.

Also, club recruiting is hella stupid. It makes people mess up their schedule and it is so brutal how some of these clubs make you invest hours and hours into recruiting all to cut you off in the last round. Ross needs a lot of change.