Gift giving and receiving is a huge bother and not pleasant

I'm an adult. If I need something and/or want something and can reasonably afford it, I buy it.

When times comes around to a birthday or Christmas or whatever, I can choose to:

1: Wish for things I was going to buy anyway, and put that off, so I can buy things for others, that they put off.

2: Wish for things I don't really want or need. This ultimately fuels needless spending and waste.

3: Refuse to name wishes and get things I really don't want (see, fueling needless spending and waste).

4: Cause a constant conflict with my family, who become confused and/or angry, when I try to explain that I don't really like any of this stuff.

I can see the argument for spontaneous gifts of appreciation or to help someone in need. I don't want them, but I can see why someone might be into that.

I can also see the idea of gifts for children.

But for adults? Buying gifts for the entire extended line is, especially for Christmas, stressful, time consuming, and as formulated - well, formulaic! I don't really see many adults with any sort of happy spark at the gift givings anyway, it's always the kids, and even they can get saturated.