Classical work hours starting at 8-9 AM is dumb and unfair for many people

Not everyone is an early bird who has easy time waking up early. School/work hours should be flexible, we are not in the 19th century anymore where everyone should work as soon as it’s light outside.

I’ve had so much trouble with my sleep in school but as soon as I started university and could choose my class hours I started waking up at 10 AM and had perfect sleep and amazing efficiency.

Edited: a lot of people call me lazy which I honestly don’t understand. It’s not like I work less, I just prefer to work at a different time. Calling me lazy for not waking up early is the same as me calling you lazy for not working late.

“We won’t change the entire system just for you” We are not changing it just for me that’s the point, every person has a different sleep preferences, so making it flexible would help most of people and arguably let the business be more efficient. If no one complains about something being flawed we will never change anything.

Also 8-9 AM is when the work starts, it suggests waking up at 6-7:30 for most people.

“That’s not early, I wake up at 4 AM !” Cool, then you would like to have an opportunity to start working earlier than 9 AM ? So no need to be negative about it, making it flexible is not just for night owls, it can help you too.