AGPA for nursing, electives need help asap

Here’s the deal, I’m on my last semester, already applied to nursing for the fall, and I took microbiology and got a B+, the thing is that in this class I skipped the first midterm, pulled an all nighter for the second midterm got a 67% and then pulled an all nighter couldn’t even think straight but aced the final worth 75%. Which made me finish with a B+.

I know I can do better. I know I can do better because I laid back in this class. Barley went to class, studied 2 days before each exam. So I decided to take the course again but with professor Diana Mlnar, I did skip the first midterm but actually studied for the second. I got a 67%. Her tests are so fucking hard please someone give me advice. Because I can either double boost my aGPA for the fall admission, or entirely fuck my chances of getting in. Her tests are nothing like the microbiology I took last semester. I went into the exam feeling cocky and sat down and felt like I was reading a different language. Do I drop it? I will finish with an aGPA of 3.6 but If I somehow do more amazing on the final than previously I can boost my aGPA to like a 3.75. I’m also in the indigenous applicant so my ages only accounts for 60% of admission. Knock some sense into me.