Training plan for 60 km. trail

I´ve recently started training for my first ultra in early May 2020. I have completed some half- and marathons in the past and currently run 25 k´s a week without much trouble. I´ve made the below training plan to get ready for a 60 km. trail run week in week 19 next year. To reduce injury risk I´ve set the weekly milage increase to 8% the first 10 weeks, then 7 % for 4 weeks and finally 4% for the last 10 weeks. Each 3 to 4 weeks are easy weeks to allow better recovery. The weekly milage tops at 69 km, 4 weeks before the race.

I plan to run 4 times a week with weekly back-to-back long runs, keep pace down and work some mobility/strenght training into my routine.

Any feedback is appreciated but I´d like to know you opinion regarding what peak weekly milage I should aim at and how much to reduce milage on recovery weeks. Also, in regards to tapering before the race, what weekly milage would be good practice?

FYI - the x-axis is the week number and the y-axis the weekly distance. Red curve is the current planed program. Blue curve is the actual distance run. I am currently i week 6 of 32 weeks.