Legal Professionals & Romantic Relationships

For context, my partner and I have been together since college, before I had aspirations to be a solicitor. Over the years as I worked towards my goal, I’ve been given the impression that he doesn’t support me as much as I would have hoped.

After college, he went straight into employment in hospitality, and over the years has risen up the ranks and now earns the same as a NQ would in our locality. I’m coming to the end of my LPC, currently work as a paralegal and have a training contract due to start soon. My salary, both current and future salary during the training period, is and will be significantly lower than his currently is.

When I got my paralegal job, I was ecstatic to get my foot in the door at a prestigious firm in my area. I overheard him telling his coworkers that I’m “just a paralegal”, and would “just be getting coffee” for the solicitors- obviously not the truth.

I’ve noticed that around my exams he seems to pick fights, and even told me in the heat of the moment right before the last round of exams that he hoped I would fail them. I think he does this because he knows I will not defend myself and risk escalating conflict during stressful times.

He doesn’t ask me any questions about myself or my work beyond how my day was, which is vastly different to how I treat him. When I talk about my job or my academic work, he seems to feign interest but will swiftly change the topic.

Of course I know we cannot share specifics about clients/matters with third parties, but sometimes I think it would be nice to feel like your significant other is there for you to vent about your day to, in a general sense. I don’t know if I’m expecting too much- I am aware that a lot of people probably find the law to be boring.

I apologise for venting, I understand this sub is more so for posts relating to the law and legal practice, however I am curious to know how other legal professionals navigate their personal relationships.

TLDR; do you have a significant other who doesn’t work in law? Do they show interest in your job? Is it easier to maintain a romantic relationship with someone who also works in law? Any insight into your opinions/experience would be greatly appreciated.