Support group/ social outlet for people that don’t have it.

Hello everyone! My name is Caitlin and I am a lonely introvert as I’m sure some of you are too. I really wanted to formulate a group of people that all feel like they need more socializing in their life and want support to help them accomplish their goals. For example I’ve always wanted to go to a painting or pottery class but I don’t have anyone to go with and I’m terrified of trying new things. I want to get a group of people together that want to meet every weekend or even in the evening during the week at someone’s apartment or house ( I’m more than willing to offer up my apartment for gatherings) or go to restaurants or the library or anywhere really. I just want to meet people and collectively lift all of us up, the world is so isolating and I don’t want to feel isolated anymore. I don’t want this to be a big deal either. If you have a messy room- cleaning parties. Want to go outside more- hiking group. Can’t find the motivation to study- study groups. Want to get an internship or job- we can help you devise an email. So if you want to meet people and develop connections that seem impossible to make pm me and we can get a group chat together. Just a little about me. I am female (she/her), 22 yrs old, I just started grad school ( doctor of plant medicine) I love animals and the outdoors. I want this to be a safe place for everyone male/ female/ non-binary and any queer identities. I also want this to be open to any major; undergrad, grad, or not in college, although I posting this to the Uf reddit so I assume most of us will be affiliated with the college in some way. Sorry this post has been so long but please pm me if you are interested!