Are fight nights stealing the good fights?

I don’t remember fight nights ever being this good.. Only in the last few years I’ve noticed the fight nights getting more stacked and the PPVs suffer.. especially this year. All these fights of top 15 dudes and surging contenders/old legends should be used to add depth to a PPV, and just leave semi-okay fighters/complete unknowns for fight nights. I really feel that the ufc is stealing the talent away from the PPVs and they just do not feel as exciting.

I don’t remember fight nights ever being this good.. Only in the last few years I’ve noticed the fight nights getting more stacked and the PPVs suffer.. especially this year. All these fights of top 15 dudes and surging contenders/old legends should be used to add depth to a PPV, and just leave semi-okay fighters/complete unknowns for fight nights. I really feel that the ufc is stealing the talent away from the PPVs and they just do not feel as exciting.