To the heartless moderator(s) who BANNED Opening_Procedure449

Hello, my username is I-Like-Traiins, and while I have no relation to the deceased, I have beef with whoever made the decision to cut him off entirely from the UCLA subreddit.

u/Opening_Procedure449 was as much a staple of the UCLA community as Carrot Man, Powell Cat, and even André. His posts were highly anticipated by, dare I say, everyone. Often, his wild stories involved MILFs or drunkards or giant dumps——he knew how to bring a bit of joy and comic relief into the otherwise dark and depressing world of the UCLA subreddit.

And—being soulless as you are—you BANNED him.

His posts may have been irreverent, but they were not irrelevant. Perhaps he may have mentioned your mom one too many times? But I mean frickin...that's not reason enough to silence him forever, don't ya think? Whatever happened to the 1st Amendment? This is democracy, manifest!

Since this is in fact a democracy and not communist Russia, let's hold a vote! Who thinks we should bring u/Opening_Procedure449 back to the UCLA subreddit?

*** Update 5:45pm *** HE’S UNBANNED!!! Thanks to all of you! Couldn’t have made this happen without y’alls support. Welcome back to the UCLA subreddit, Opening_Procedure449. I mean frickin…we all missed your weird ass posts!!