Uber, Stop your illegal practices against your non employees drivers!
It is illegal to offer the driver a ride and give him no time to decide which is less than 3 seconds to accept or decline the ride. You’re forcing drivers to take the ride as they have no time to decide according to the price you’re offering, or to the rider’s rating which driver has no time to look at. You’re punishing the drivers who cancel or decline rides as a result of your rotten illegal policies. Uber, you’re illegally misleading drivers with the destination filtering cause you set up your app to keep the driver away from going to the destination the driver chooses to go to ASAP. Most of the time the app take drivers even further back instead of giving rides that go on the way, and don’t forget you throw the rides that the driver spends more than 30 minutes to get 4 or 5 dollars which ends up in a loss of time and money. There are a lot of other illegal practices that you will end up being sued for one day!