ACAB includes the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s Department (All Cops Are Bunglers)
Has enough time passed we can all admit Leland Palmer is the very first person law enforcement should have investigated, Bob or no Bob? (This would be true any year, but in 1989 codependency and surviving parental alcoholism, abuse and incest were pretty much the entire zeitgeist other than the Berlin Wall coming down.)
Also, I admit I cringe every time someone puts down an armed opponent and doesn’t automatically move up and kick their gun away. This is as true of the FBI agents as the locals. I sort of get it with Final-Form Coop in Odessa Judy’s because he’s a shell of his former self, the Voyager I probe on its last batteries of G-men. But every other time makes me want to send everyone back to Glencoe.
(No I don’t consider these the most important aspects of the show. Yes, this is mostly a shitpost. But yes, they really do kinda bug me.)