A question for DF/chasers

I'm a male Df, with a female DM runner, we are presently in separation.

I often read posts by angry DF on here, understandably so as this journey can be emotionally draining and these relationships can be hurtful.

Another thing I also often see on here written by DFs is the notion that their DM has it easier because they are in denial and less awoken, and I'm sure in some cases thats true.
I know in my case that even though this journey has been incredibly tough on me, it must be a hundred times harder for my twin, I don't know if she's struggling to work through things at the moment, or facing her demons, I hope she is, but I do know that she can't deny them forever, and if by some miracle she did manage to get through her entire life doing so it would be a life of lost opportunity and growth, and arguable more pain from avoiding that just facing things.
But when that time comes that she does have to face her demons, let go and heal, its going to be incredibly hard for her, arguably more so than being in my position.
That's the way I see it anyway.

My question is, do you agree?

In general, I mean, obviously, you don't know my twin.

Do you think runners have it easier or harder?

Would you swap positions with them if you could?

I assume most people have seen the first Matrix movie, where the character of Cypher wants to be plugged back into the matrix without any memory that he was ever awoken.

Would you prefer to "go back to sleep" and return to your life before all this started?

I think its natural to think/feel that from time to time, we are all human after all (or at least experiencing reality as human) and I think its understandable to go through moments of frustration where you just want things to go back to the way they were.
I know I've had moments like that.

But I wouldn't want to give up my growth.

And as frustrating as it can be waiting for your twin to wake up or catch up, and as painful as their actions can be at times, not to mention the burden of the responsibility that comes with being the more awoken twin, despite that I would still prefer to be the more awake twin, knowing and understanding in the light, rather than being lost in the darkness of denial, that just seems like a much longer harder road to me.

At least it seems that way for my twin.

The ironic thing is she has everything and more she's ever hoped for waiting for her here, she could be happier than she's ever dreamed, all she has to do is let go of her pain and fear, easier said than done, but.....better done than left undone in my opinion.
But the back and forth that comes with such strong denial, and the pain that comes from trying to avoid the pain, as well as stumbling around in the dark lost, just seems so much harder to me than my journey.

That's why I choose to look upon her actions, her mistakes, her fears, with understanding.

But that doesn't always come easy, I have moments of frustration too. And thats fair.

I guess this whole post reminds me of the old saying:

Short-term pain- long-term gain

Short-term gain- long-term pain

I'll take the first one thanks, its seems the better option than the second which seems to be the fate of many DM runners, definitely mine.