What are your strongest signs?
Curious to hear how exactly you KNEW your twin... was your twin. My(33f) experience has been genuinely unbelievable... we knew we were twins at the very beginning (entered a relationship in march 2023. We met in October 2022. I have a journal entry in November 2022 where I wrote that I was in love with him(29m). Veryyyy unlike me! Then I would find out that he had just started dating a girl so it was complicated to hold such extreme feelings... however in my past ive hated when men dont want to be my friends anymore because they girlfriendzoned me. And his creative friendship meant so much and we were in the same dnd group soo i remained friends with him despite knowing i wanted so much more. However we just wrote together and played dnd. No boundaries were crossed until our connection dawned on him and he kindly told her it wasn't working out.)
Anywho we are both writers and when we write together in the same space the results seem UNCANNY in how similar they are. Literally ALWAYS including multiple of the same strange words (Excalibur, Blossom Rose, Einstein, radio static, echo chamber, spiderweb tapestry are a few noted examples that come to mind). Often (but not always) we begin with the same rhymescheme. And We don't talk while we write. So it genuinely feels unexplainable. Then there are the endless light flickers. The numbers. The electricity I can feel in my fingers when he is close. Etc. It feels so cosmic. like I've dated 3 people. All 3 were raised by a single mother (like my soul was looking for him). The 1st two were rotten in the way they talked about theirs (1st was a karmic, 2nd was a narcissist. It took him giving me a blackeye on my 31st bday to accept i was being abused). But B.C.(my twin) wanted to make his mom proud so bad. Yet she has always been a little... sociopathic in her treatment of him. Unlike my 1st two who seemed to have very kind mothers. In September of 2023 he moved in with me. And began healing his relationship with his mom.
Anyway We went through a very life changing experience in October of 2023. I didnt realize as the months moved along that THAT event really made me disappear from myself. I grew distant. And resentful. I had unprocessed greif from our choice... a choice that felt like such a betrayal to myself. Because i did something I didn't want to do. Because I hadn't healed my people pleasing. In may of this year he shocked me when he wanted to move with me to Massachusetts where my theatre partner lived. Suddenly his mom was calling all the time about how her husband's brother wanted to f*** her and how she didn't feel safe and her husband is verbally abusive. Etc. Basically really pulling him home to Maryland. Her husband is a really good guy who has autism so he can be blunt as heck but he had alot of money... so she married him. It's relatively evident she married him for his money because despite giving her everything she asks for. She started making claims out of nowhere about his abuse as soon as we left the state. Oh And now she has a second child (2f) So there's a 27 year difference between them.
In August of this year when visiting our families back home... he asked my dad to marry me. Then he spent a night with his mom. 4 days later when we got back to Massachusetts he left me. He was in tears telling me he genuinely didn't understand why he had to go move back home to his mom but he was overwhelmed and needed to go. It was genuinely the most shocking and painful day. I completely lost my mind. We knew no one in MA besides my former friend (who genuinely had used us to make her rent cheaper and be her drivers and watch her cat while she went to Boston for 3 days every week. It was a brutal summer. But when my dad told me B.C. had asked for my hand... I really thought we were in the up n up.)
Anyway I also moved back to Maryland because the unprocessed grief from our choice, meeting the circumstances of needing to face it all on my own... was so brutal. I got off social media (literal best choice I've ever made) I deleted all games from my phone. Nothing that brought me bandaid dopamine comfort when I was in my waking sleep phase (post choice we made) helped. He was EVERYWHERE and everything seemed painful (down to ordering dr. Pepper because it makes me think of him.) I had to seek new. My ego was disintegrating as i began identifying all the different voices. (Thats not Elisabeth thats Invisabeth talking. Thats Elisabright. Thats Dispecabeth. Thats ALICEabeth. Etc) As I began to tear thru my shadow work... It all Brought me to seeking spirituality in anyway I could. I knew pretty quick through the literal medical shock of abandonment that this was my reallll dark night of the soul(I thought I had already gone thru it... til I went thru it. Like gosh)
But BC neverrrrr blocked me. He was always kind and caring. He just needed me to forgive us both for our choice. And Elisabirth the magically empowered true authentic me.
It was during my desperate seeking of dealing with the dark night... that I came across the archetypal twin flame story arch again (Natural Mystic, The Library of the Untold and TheAlchemist were some You Tube channels that helped me understand what was happening to me. And how connected a dark night can be with twin flames.) It genuinely wasn't until then that I truly recognized him as my authentic twin. Despite us genuinely talking about it briefly at the beginning of our relationship (he had a twin flame oracle cards despite not really knowing much about them). However.. I knew twin flames go into separation so I kinda convinced myself he was a soul mate.
After he left. I went to visit my sister in England for 3 weeks. And then I returned to Maryland and We saw each other weekly but the boundaries of "just friends" were back. Thru Sept and Oct. I created a collaged journal of our story. To begin to let go. To put us in a bound place so I could forgive and move on. Grateful to still be in one anothers lives. In Nov. I gave it to him. Because he doesn't remember things like i do. I remember too much. And it was so meaningful... He asked to kiss me that night. We hadn't kissed in like 11 weeks. We moved slowly. For like 3 weeks it was just the kiss goodnight. But now... we are officially back together. He has even faced my dad to ask his forgiveness!(for making my parents think for 4 days I was getting married... just to be required to leave me.) The experience of facing my worst feel (abandonment after I agreed to an abortion i didnt want out of love for him) woke back up the symbolic code I see around me in life and reality. It made magic real again in a way I had forgotten.
In 1998 I was 7. I wrote in my 1st journal an entry that said "today I watched wizard of Oz with my babysitter." And the next page was a big black scribble and it said "it is night now. It is so dark." BCs great-great grandfather was the choreographer for the original wizard of Oz. So it has always been a "sign" for him to me. And when i was rediscovering this entry in September of this year... I had been seeing a certified grief counselor who was also a friend of my parents. Her daughter was my babysitter when I was 7. It was all soo strange. But writing and reflecting can be such an exceptional practice at recognizing selfprophecy.
And I pour gratitude back to the universe. And this forum. Alot of your posts have provided much comfort on my journey the past few months. Thank you for sharing so I felt less alone. And in my deepest heart I believe... Lasting Union can be achieved.