Edward Looking Rough
Real question. Why does Edward look so fucked up at the end of new moon? Okay, hear me out! Vampires always look perfect. They don't smell. They don't get sick. Only their clothes can smell. But they can get dirty. When Edward is ready to off himself, he looks like an actually depressed person. He's still wearing the clothes he left bella in. He hasn't been going out much. However, this shouldn't affect him. Ya I get that he is depressed. But I think its weird he looks oddly skinnier, dark circles under the eyes. I feel like they even made him more pale then the previous scenes and movie. He doesn't even sleep! But it was still someone's choice to give him dark circles and sunken cheeks as if he hasn't been sleeping or eating. You can't say it's because he hasn't been drinking blood because his eyes are still golden in the scene and not black. It was a odd choice. Even if he was sad and depressed, he still should have looked perfect because that's just how vamps be. The only thing that should have been fucked was his clothes.