Would love some help with this Twilight drinking game!
My 30th is coming up and my husband is planning my party. It will be very lightly Twilight themed (think some themed speciality drinks, mushroom ravioli, and music from the soundtracks). But one thing I am excited to do that my husband has tasked me with is coming up with a bit of a drinking game for our crew. None of the 15ish people coming have seen Twilight, so I want to have some fun with it.
Basically when they arrive (of course they have the option of not participating if they choose) I am planning on giving each a sheet with a list of “quotes” and they have to guess if it’s a legitimate quote from the Twilight Saga (book or movie) or if it’s just totally made up. Later in the evening we will go through the list and if they are right, they can ask someone to take a sip of their drink.
I have always lurked in this sub, occasionally posted, but would love some help either picking some totally outlandish quotes from the books or making some equally outlandish, but plausible quotes!