Will the police do anything?
So I "stole" a turtle (a red eared sliders turtle) from my mom (I live with my parents), for more context, my mom works at a airport and sometimes she's not home to take care of the pets and that goes onto me.
I warned my mom that I'm taking the turtle to a friend who I knows will love and care for it.
I took the turtle when she wasn't home due to her fighting me on it when I told her I'll pay her for whatever and eveng friend and his family is also wanting to pay for him.
I took him cause he was in bad conditions, she put him in a bucket when he couldn't be in his tank with little water, for I don't know how many years his tank had very little water, and the filter couldn't clean the water. It smelled so bad, I didn't want to be there or go around it. My mom never put in any research into the turtles and their shells were always dry, we also lived in a high humidity state, and they didn't move a lot of at all for days.
Also what they were living in could possibly be seen as animal abuse.
My mom is threatening to call the police on me and I have other people who know how bad the conditions were. Will they do anything? I wish I had photos but I don't