people need to stop saying AMAB and AFAB

They're just politely saying that we are "really" the birth sex forever.

According to this article (Male Pattern Baldness (Androgenic Alopecia): Stages, Treatment) I need to worry about male pattern baldness because I am """AMAB"""

It's like this whole "gender identity" thing isn't inclusive of people who actually change their sex.

If I started getting male pattern baldness, I'd go to the fucking doctor because a woman's body isn't supposed to produce that much testosterone!! It could be late on-set adrenal hyperplasia in females. I'd look for symptoms like bottom growth (of the clitoris) and facial hair.

But if the doctor read this article, they'd say it was common in "AMABs" and not the result of another condition. This is why stealth is important. Clinical staff won't "get it" until you are under their radar.

Maybe I'm being fussy. I don't know.