Picking up my Trident today! Some questions about mods and exhausts.

As the title said, picking up a 2022 model (red and grey) today in a few hours.

I will want to make some mods, first off probably tape the red stuff black or grey. Question is has anyone here wrapped them and with what? We have a thing called "Dc-fix" here which is a indoor vinyl wrap, nothing permanent but cheap.

Exhaust | I feel like the sound from this engine with an aftermarket exhaust is really important to me, so I would like to know are there any good slip-ons or is a full one the way to go? I would not like to drop over 1000€ for one, so I would like to know cheaper opinions, like CS racing, are they good and not breaking ears but still complementing the engine sounds?

Mirrors | I would like some good bar ends, what are some not too expensive ones and what's good to know about the installation parts? Do I need some additional Triumph OEM stuff to fit aftermarket ones?

Other | What else have you guys installed which improved the aesthetics in your eyes or regarding performance / usage?
