Advice for a 70.3.

Hi all,

Just looking for some advice on some training plans, advice on supplements and advice on weight loss.

First off i’m training for a 70.3 IM in roughly 8 months and have a decent level of fitness. Sub 50 10km, Average 32km/h over a 2 hour cycle and completed a 1500m swim in an olympic last summer in 32mins.

With the IM 70.3 I plan to complete it (obviously) and am looking at trying to complete it in 6hrs 15 (running past 10km is not a strong point of mine.) I am 6’1 and am 89kgs at around 23% Body fat. Decent bit of muscle from playing good level rugby and pushed last year to bench 100kg. So there’s the background here is my questions.

  • Should I be taking Creatine while training?
  • Linked to this, I think I need to shed some weight, would you agree?
  • Any training plan advice?
  • And anything you wish you knew before you completed your first 70.3?

Thanks for reading, happy for any advice.