Visiting Lijiang and Chengdu vs just Chengdu
Visiting China in June and seeing some family first, but then will have about 6 days to do other things. Deciding between going to Lijiang (Yunnan) for 3 days and then Chengdu for another 3 days, or just spending all 6 days in Chengdu. For context, we will have been in Beijing (all the classic sights, Great Wall, Forbidden City etc) and Guangzhou beforehand.
Some things we enjoy: ancient cities, rich culture/history, outdoors scenery / hiking
Some things we hope to avoid: overly manufactured touristy sites
Lijiang looks so beautiful, but I've heard online and from relatives that a lot of those aesthetic old town areas are basically just like an amusement park for tourists, with all the shops basically selling souvenirs or sightseeing tours or something. Chengdu is a much bigger city, and seems like you could have a mix of things, from "old towns" to cool museums, to maybe some nature things around?
Has anyone been to both, or either and can comment?