Samsonite vs. Away

Hi all,

I take around 10 flights a year (so not that frequent of a traveler). However, most are international flights so these bags get connected to at different airports along the way rather than just sitting in the hold the whole time.

I am debating between Away suitcases (which are quite pricey and definitely on the far end of my budget). On the other hand, there are Samsonite suitcases made of polycarbonate that I'm considering, about half the price as the Away and just as feature-ful for my purposes (this is the Stack'd brand).

The only difference between them that I see is that Samsonite offers a 5-year warranty, whereas Away of course has its famous lifetime warranty. I would go hands-down with the lifetime warranty if I knew how long I'm going to have these suitcases; but frankly if in 5-7 years (7 years is the amount of time I've had my current softside luggage) there are scuffs all over the suitcase that don't qualify for them to be replaced under the warranties but are still blemishes, I may just consider getting new pieces.

My question is, how long does polycarbonate last, (1) In terms of actual cracks and damage, so in other words how often do you suspect I'll have to make a warranty claim to either Samsonite or Away, and (2) In terms of cosmetic scratches, blemishes and non-fatal damage so that the suitcase, in other words when does the suitcase stop looking good even if it continues to function fine?

Thanks in advance.