Large bulge in lower abdomen after kidney transplant

I received a kidney transplant on 03/03 and everything is going great so far. I’m keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way, knock on wood. The doctors and surgeon are pleased with all of my bloodwork and my incision has healed nicely, they even removed my stent yesterday and that went well too. But I have this really noticeable bulge in my lower abdomen. My transplant nephrologist says that’s totally normal and the bulge should go down in time. I know I’m not even a month post op but my scar is really bothering me when my clothes rub up against it. And the bulge is so big none of my jeans fit and whenever I wear yoga pants or leggings I look pregnant (And no, I’m not pregnant. I think three negative tests is proof enough I’m not lol). Has anyone else had this issue? Any advice on making my scar feel better? Would wearing a belly band help? Would cold compresses help? Bio freeze? I’m kind of scared to put any heat or cold on it because I don’t want to risk hurting my new kidney.