A closer look at misandry
Something that is very noticeable in TERF ideology is the notion that males would be bad inheretly. Generally that extents to intersex people as well where they are viewed as an abnormality needing 'correction' merely for deviating from the sex-norms they are in favor of (such as not wanting a female to have something looking too much like a penis).
Feminists and conservatives push for male senselessness
Feminists/conservatives tend to push for policies resulting in people born males being unable to get sex.
Conservatives are often against sex before marriage.
Conservatives and the radical feminists tend to oppose sex work, porn, etc.
Feminists and conservatives tend to push for high AoC such as 18 which makes it difficult for teenagers to engage in legal sex.
The mora radical conservatives and feminists consistently push for policies that make it hard for males to get sex even though males tend to have a very strong sex drive and do often struggle to cope with sexlessness.
It is worth nothing that conservatives also want females to remain sexless as well such as wanting to force them to wait until marriage while feminists want to raise the AoC as high as possible and not even allow females to marry to have sex.
Feminists and conservatives of course are fine with males resorting to rape since conservatives need male criminals to gain support for their police state while the feminists need rapists to justify their hatred of males.
Males violence
Males are obviously more prone to physical violence than females but what many people often overlook is that we actually need males willing to resort to violence to maintain social control and to expand our territory.
But when males are needed for wars they are not exactly being rewarded for it, instead they are often outright forced into participating and then used for cannon fodder.
While most males are not particularly violent or criminal (most generally follow laws, etc) the bad ones does cause problems for everyone else in society and this often result can result in innocent males being punished for a crime they didn't do due to authorities being desperate to arrest people (seems to happening now in el-salvador).
Males compete against each other for females
Because other males are your competitor you have to be wary about them and it might even make sense to ruin them to get rid of competition.
You putting an innocent male in male means one less male competing against you for females.
Male frustration rarely result in male problems actually being solved
A lot of frustrated males did vote for Trump but what is Trump actually going to do to help them? well they didn't even think so far, they simply tried voting against the status quo which was understandable (kamala harris mainly focused on abortion, etc) but now many of the same males are likely going to die in wars (such as against canada so trump can get more people to rule over) now when Trump no longer cares about being able to win the next election.
So where do we go from here?
Things like transmaxxing can to some extent adress issues people born male are having but we are now seeing a lot of anti-male rhetoric be applies to trans females as well because there is no way to stop being viewed as innately bad for being male similar to how Hitler was against all people born to be jewish.
It's unclear to me how much progress we can do merely by working with biology as it is now. It's certainly possible to construct society to cater a lot more towards the needs males have but i don't see that actually happening under democratic governance.
Authoritarianism does provide a lot of option currently unviable due to democracy so switching to more authoritarian governance is definitely needed to advance humanity forward.
Perhaps the better option is to change human biology itself, i do see a lot of potential there but this of course is something a lot of humans would currently oppose.