Transport Tourism

Hi there, this is Thomas, a final-year Geography student from the Hong Kong Baptist University. I am working on my honors project on the topic "Beyond Transportation: A Comparative Study of Transport Tourism in Hong Kong and Japan".

Here is a brief introduction to transport tourism: A form of special interest tourism which accounts for the cultural meanings of transport in itself and the symbolic value for a place, and takes transport as one of the major objectives in trips by intentionally including transport-centered activities, such as photographing transport, attending transport fairs, visiting transport museums, taking nostalgic or sightseeing trains, purchasing transport souvenirs, and upgrading to the premium class during leisure travel, in itineraries.

As a transport enthusiast born and raised here, I see the government disregards the cultural significance of transport, for example, the Kai Tak Airport used to be legendary in the world for its challenging approach and high efficiency but the history then is effaced, which is frustrating. Therefore, I would like to invite you to participate in this survey ( to demonstrate the potential of transport tourism in Hong Kong, which has already matured in Japan.

Welcome to discuss!