suddenly passing as a gay ftm guy is so amazing
I didn't pass for so so so long but now I weirdly really really pass?? I like to wear skirts and jewelry so after a few years, I'm very used to not passing and I don't really care at this point because most of the time it's no one of consequence misgendering me. For the last few months I've been passing so so well it's insane.
First I went to a doctor and the form I filled out had some nice options to specify gender in case it didn't match your sex. I filled it all out but my doctor is a bit older and had a little trouble understanding each difference so he just asked my pronouns. I said he/him and he said "alright that's good cus lookin at you I think he/him" like hell yeah I'm passing in a skirt. (that doctor wasn't the best with gender stuff but he had the right spirit so whatever)
Second time my little sister was at the park and I walked down to get her (in a skirt, sue me it's spring I wanna wear skirts) and she introduced me to her friends as her brother. Usually her friends, being young and unaware, would either ask if I'm trans or if I'm REALLY a boy stuff like that but her friend just asked why I was wearing a skirt.
Third time, the other night. I was walking with my boyfriend and we were holding hands. We live in a small town and we were walking kind of late so it wasn't a total shock but we got called F-slur in a weirdly not derogatory way. Some guy and his friend were standing out by their truck and his dog started barking and he told the dog "oh shut up let those boys be (f-slur)s" we thought it was absolutely hilarious and when we got home I told my mom about it.