My fiance (cis female) and I (mtf) had an interesting conversation last night...
My fiance has known that I'm trans since the day we started dating, and she's been really supportive. We've gone to weddings where I'm presenting as female, she's done my makeup on many occasions, she lets me borrow her clothes, etc.. She's always been incredibly loving, and I love her more than anything, and truthfully, nothing will really change that between us. So my fiance and I went out for a few drinks with her family, and when we got back to her house, we had a conversation that started with me asking, "Do you like when I dress all feminine and present as a girl?" I had never explicitly asked her something like that before. She said she didn't NOT like it, but she had always seen herself being with someone more masculine, as she's always lived a pretty feminine life. She feels that whenever I dress feminine, especially when I am at her place (she lives in the UK, and I live in the States), she almost has an obligation to protect me (I don't think she needs to, but I understand where she's coming from). She wants me to be happy, and of course, I want the same for her.
I'm still closeted to about 99% of the world. I'm out to my fiance and a few close friends, and I definitely don't pass unless I put some effort in. She knows I'll never medically transition, as we both really want kids. I would love to be more of myself when we're around each other, especially since we're getting married in 4 months (woohoo!). I just feel as if it's been a tricky situation to read. I want to make her happy and comfortable, but I also want to be myself. Has anyone had a similar situation? How did you handle it? How *would* you handle it?
I'll clarify that this is not a deal breaker for either one of us. I know that without a doubt, no matter the outcome, we'll still love each other, and we couldn't imagine living our lives with anyone else.