"Trans man born AMAB" tiktok live

So perusing tiktok live streams, I came across a person named Giovanni. The screen said. "I am a trans man that was born a man." Naturally, I stopped scrolling to hear how that was possible. I asked them. They were insistent on me joining their live to talk. I wasn't doing that. Eventually someone joined the live and asked the same question, "How are you a transman but born AMAB?"

This person said a lot of true things like, "gender are sex are different" and things of that nature. Then said, "I was born a man, but I identify as a trans man bc I decided to be a man, not just because I was born a man, and I relate to the experiences of transmen." To say I was shook is an understatement. There is no way that a person born as a male, raised, treated, taught, and socialized as a male could understand my experiences as transman that was born a female. Another viewer and myself agreed that we thought it was a rage bait thing, after we began discussing that as well as telling that guy he couldn't possibly understand or relate to our experiences he ended the live, or he kicked me out me; I have no idea.

I think this is a person that learned words that people in the community will use to talk about their identity and how they are in the world. I do think it was rage bait. I do believe the guy was troll, otherwise he would've shown his face.

If you are someone that identifies like this, please help me understand. Or if you think you can make sense of this, please, I want to understand this thought process.