Dreamstate Australia review/thoughts thread

What did everyone think about the event?

Overall, I had fun and the production with the rings and all were stellar as always. The crowd energy also seemed pretty good for the most part, the Melbourne crowd in particular generally love their trance events. I thought some of the trance sets I saw were a bit of a mixed bag though

Only saw the last 10 minutes of Nifra's set so can't really comment on that. I thought AVAO played surprisingly decent, normally not a fan of his but he played a lot of remixes of trance classics in the first 40 minutes - finishing off with some hard techno and hardstyle (which seems to be the standard set closer these days lol).

Honestly wasn't the biggest fan of Billy Gillies' set, maybe I'm just not a big fan of his new style but IMO his sets in Australia have been getting worse. He peaked at Subculture 2023 when he played uplifting tracks like Nostalgia and his remixes of Million Voices, Promises, Romeo etc. Just really tired of hearing Lagoon, Youth, Don't Call Me Baby and DNA over and over again. Really wish he would play tracks like Lovesick, Defender, Closed Eyes etc.

Didn't know what to expect from Above & Beyond after DS2023 but I ended up liking their set. At this point, the trance tent was packed and the production really kicked up a notch. Was nice to see so many people getting into the A&B feels. Wasn't the most energetic set by any means but enjoyable nonetheless, a few nice IDs and finishing off with Good for Me was easily the highlight

NWYR was an interesting set, kinda over the top and cheesy but done in a fun way - reminds me of the Da Tweekas, hardstyle fans will know haha. Some really nice uplifting/classic tracks in there as well

Ben Nicky B2B MaRLo went roughly how you expected, lot of hard hitting tech, hardstyle/happy hardcore and some classic tracks thrown in there. Now that this B2B/experiment is over, I hope Symbiotic freshen up their lineup for Hyperdome/Hyper-rave

blk. was good and don't mind hard techno but can't help but think he felt so out of place on the trance stage.. not sure why he was there, Indira would have made more sense