Dawi Grudge Amounts Still Frustrating to Me

I'm playing a new Dawi campaign and finding myself frustrated at the amount of grudges I can earn/need per Age of Reckoning. I'm playing as Thorgrim, no mods, L/VH, fighting most battles manually. The problem is that unless you are playing poorly, i.e. losing settlements, losing battles, and taking high numbers of casualties, you just can't earn enough grudges per age in the early game. This simply does not feel good.

For example, 1st Age I completed wiped out Skarsnik, had Gorbad down to one settlement, did two quest battles (1k grudges right there), and somehow barely only got above 75% (needed 2600+ total). I played extremely aggressively but even though I was doing well on the campaign I had no chance at all in getting to 100%. I was getting something like 70 grudges for each full stack.

In the 2nd age I wiped out Gorbad, got Queek down to one settlement (struggling to find his last one), and took out 5 of Tretch's settlements. I've lost track of the amount of Skaven stacks I've killed (and a few other races too), did two more quests battles, and somehow I still need 5000 more grudges for this age.

I just don't get it, it's turn 30 and I have 26 settlements with 8 (almost 10) provinces. I have enough grudges to vassalize any of the other Legendary Dawi lords. I'm dominating on the campaign but I feel helpless in getting enough grudges per age. Am I doing something wrong? From what I understand the answer is to just do more poorly in battles?

Or is this a Thorgrim problem? I took a quick look at Malakai campaign (I didn't remember having any issues with him), he needs 1900 1st age and can get almost 400 his first turn. Meanwhile Thorgrim needs 2600 and can only get 200 his first turn. Some full stack enemy armies are only giving 20-30 grudges total. Something doesn't seem right here.