Dear CA, please let the Changeling AI play as a traditional (Tzeentch) faction

I get why CA doesn't want to change the Changeling faction for the player, but there is no reason it has to be in such a vegetative state in the hands of the AI. He does nothing all game, if he survives to turn 10 at all.

Just let the AI play him as a normal faction (have him take over the city of a minor faction, maybe at random), so there isn't just one major Tzeentch faction on the map. He is actually worse than Beastmen and these have already been completely neutered for the AI (please give us a checkbox to enable all campaign mechanics for the AI)

Also, why can't we have a turn one dilemma to either play with his cults or as a traditional faction? Should be fairly easy to implement and would basically fix every problem I personally have with the campaign.